
The Skyline Queenstown Redevelopment is a multi stage project being constructed over several years to work in and around Skyline’s operating business. Stages 1-3 consist of new top and bottom gondola terminal buildings, a new gondola, multi-storey car parking building and associated infrastructure, luge track realignments, and landscaping. Stages 4-5 consist of a new restaurant […]
Prebbleton Village

This development comprised three separate buildings and included walkways, carparking, earthworks, external infrastructure, and general external works. The precinct houses a selection of retail, hospitality, and a gym.
Wye Creek

Executive lakeside home.
Hawkes Bay Opera House + Municipal Building

Seismic strengthening of the Hawkes Bay Opera House and Municipal building, both being Historic Places Trust Category 1 listed buildings.
Observatory Hotel

The restoration and seismic strengthening of the heritage Observatory Tower in The Arts Centre, previously home to astronomy and physics studies. Now re-developed, including fit-out, into a luxury hotel.
Hotel Give

This development included the strengthening, retro-fit, and refurbishment of the 95-room Hotel Give for The Kind Foundation.
Wānaka Lakefront

Transformation of the lakefront with shared boardwalks and pathways for pedestrians and cyclists, including large scale planting of native vegetation.
The Arts Centre of Christchurch

The re-development, restoration, and seismic strengthening at The Arts Centre of Christchurch, te Matatiki Toi Ora, came after the heritage landmark was badly damaged by earthquakes in 2010 and 2011. The project is the largest heritage restoration in New Zealand. There are 23 buildings on site, of which 21 are listed by Heritage New Zealand […]
Five Mile

Five Mile is a shopping centre complex in Queenstown. The project scope involved the development of all new infrastructure into a greenfield site including a basement car park, office buildings, and bulk retail outlet. The project began in 2013, with the build being split into six stages. This is a significant project for Rhodes + […]
Five Mile – Infrastructure + External Works

Provision of new infrastructure to shopping complex at Five Mile, Queenstown, including construction of Grants Road and roundabout.